
“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-梁忠伟老师

作者: 来源:2022-12-02 19:58:17 我要评论(0)

梁忠伟,广东吴川人,亚洲书画家协会副主席 、中国:肆佰大姓联合创始人,浙江会长之家创会会长(全国)、广东省梁氏宗亲会名誉会长、广西南宁梁氏宗亲会名誉会长、广东东莞梁氏宗亲会名誉会长、世界青年文明论坛书画创作委员会委员中国扇子艺术学会外联部主任、北京东城区书画家协会理事,中国商业文化研究会会员、中华英才理事会副理事长、北京工商联礼品行业商会《我生命中的贵人》等系列名著形象代言人等。导语:中华辉煌70年,丰功伟绩世界惊。随着中国日益走近世界舞台中央,继续讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,阐释好中国特色,是炎黄子孙每个人的责任。在经贸交往中开放包容,在人文交融中互学互鉴,在科技交流中取长补短,在讲故事中加强互信交流,缔结深厚友谊,实现共商共建共享共赢,我们就能够用中国故事更好地为世界发展助力,为服务构建人类命运共同体贡献磅礴的中国力量。梁忠伟,新时代中国行为艺术大师,经艺术亲身加入,精心策划而推出一系列《崛起的力量》影像展,并通过与人交流,一步步发展,形成巨大社会效益。为再现可爱的中国,永不涌动的力量,教育培养青年人的信仰,为时代注入无穷的力量源泉,为中华民族的新腾飞做出了有意义的探索。

梁氏飘带体 龙马精神

Liang Zhongwei, born in Wuchuan, Guangdong, served as the vice chairman of the Asian Calligraphers and Painters Association, the co-founder of Four Hundred Surnames, the founding chairman of Zhejiang Chairman's Home (China), the honorary chairman of Guangdong Provincial Liang Family Association, the honorary chairman of Guangxi Provincial Nanning Liang Family Association, the honorary chairman of Guangdong Provincial Dongguan Liang Family Association, the member of World Youth Civilization Forum Calligraphy and Painting Creation Committee, the director of Public Relations Department of the Chinese Fan Art Association, the director of Beijing Dongcheng Calligrapher and Painter Association, the member of China Business Culture Research Association, the vice chairman of China Talent Council, and the spokesperson of the series works of A Great Person in My Life published by the Gift Industry Chamber of Commerce of Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce. Personal instruction: With a glorious history of 70 years, China's great achievements are amazing to the world. As China gradually moves towards the center of the world stage, it has become the responsibility of the Chinese people to continue to tell Chinese stories, spread Chinese voices and explain Chinese characteristics. Through openness and inclusiveness in economic and trade exchanges, learning from each other in cultural, scientific and technological exchanges, strengthening mutual trust and exchanges in storytelling, and maintaining profound friendship, the joint consultation, joint construction, shared benefits, and win-win results can be achieved, so as to better help the world development by taking advantage of China's past events, and contribute China's tremendous strength to serving and building a community with a shared future for mankind. Liang Zhongwei was rated as a Chinese performance art master in the new era. Through personal experience and meticulous planning, he launched several video exhibitions of Rising Power. He advocated to achieve gradual development through communication, and finally obtain huge social benefits. He had made meaningful explorations to reproduce the beloved China, gather the stable strength, cultivate the faith of young people, inject infinite power into the time, and achieve the rapid development of China.

Liang ribbon script: Vigorous and Exuberant Spirit
Remain True to the Original Aspiration
Practice Benefits the Country
Envoy of Peace
Gentle and Pleasant Breeze
Birds' Twitter and Fragrance of Flowers
Great Virtue Promotes Growth
Achieve Immediate Victory
Honesty is Gold
The Highest Good is Like Water

